

Install the dependencies listed below first. To use the development version clone the github repository, for the latest stable check out the releases page. To install a simple

# make install

should suffice. To remove vimiv the standard

# make uninstall

works. You may need to update your icon cache after installation.

Arch Linux

For Arch Linux users the latest release is available from [community] and there is the AUR package vimiv-git for the development branch.

Fedora Linux

For Fedora, stable releases of vimiv can be installed from the official repositories using DNF or using Gnome Software:

# sudo dnf install vimiv


  • python3
  • python-gobject
  • gtk3
  • python-setuptools for installation
  • on debian-based systems: python-dev for installation
  • optional: libgexiv2 for exif support